How much blood will be on my hands when I go to stand before you? Will I have done all that I know to do?
Lord without a burden I can do nothing for you, but there are so many who don’t know you yet, so many who desperately need you.
They don’t know to pray like I do, they don’t know how you can change lives like I’ve seen you do. They don’t know that they need you so what are they supposed to do?
I know that it’s what you made us for. To pray for people and to get them to Heavens door, but Lord I need your help more and more.
I don’t want to get to Heavens door and you point out the people in hell that I love that I neglected to pray for. Their torment and their agony is mine to bear. Their blood would always be on my hands because the burden wasn’t there.
Please help me to do more and to care. Put the burden in my heart for people to get saved. Put a new love there that consumes everything. Without you I can do nothing. Aren’t you a burden bearer? Give me one to bear.